(Quick, show of hands: How many of you out there work with databases that have a Notes column, or even better, Note1, Note2, Note3 …?) And if you add to this the basic “given” that relational databases assume an inflexible structure to the data-the database schema-trying to support ad hoc “additionals” to the data becomes awkward. Trying to model hierarchical data can drive even the most experienced developer completely bonkers, so much so that Joe Celko wrote a book-“SQL for Smarties, Third Edition,” (Morgan-Kaufmann, 2005)-entirely about the concept of modeling hierarchical data in a relational model. NET, Java or something else entirely, can-after only a few years’ experience-describe in painful detail how everything doesn’t fit nicely into a tables/rows/columns “square” model. The problem is that the strength of the relational model-the relational model itself-is also its greatest weakness.
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After all, SQL Server comes in a free and redistributable Express edition that provides a lighter-weight data storage option than the traditional enterprise- or datacenter-bound relational database, and there are certainly plenty of tools and libraries available to provide easier access to it, including Microsoft’s own LINQ and Entity Framework. NET Framework developers should sacrifice the next half-hour or so of their lives reading this article and following along on their laptops. Problem (or, Why Do I Care, Again?)īefore getting too deep into the details of MongoDB, it’s fair to ask why any.
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NET Framework, including the LINQ support offered using it from other environments (desktop apps and Web apps and services) and how to set it up so the production Windows admins don’t burn you in effigy. Most everything MongoDB-ish will be covered: installing, exploring and working with it from the. In this article and its successors, I’ll examine one of the principal tools advocated by those in the NoSQL movement: MongoDB, whose name comes from “hu mongous,” according to the MongoDB Web site (and no, I’m not making that up). Tables, rows, columns, primary keys, foreign key constraints, and arguments over nulls and whether a primary key should be a natural or unnatural one … is nothing sacred? One of those “new” things to emerge from the community from outside of the Microsoft aegis is the NoSQL movement, a group of developers who openly challenge the idea that all data is/will/must be stored in a relational database system of some form. NET on a daily basis and those who don’t-has gone off and created a few more things to fill in holes that Microsoft doesn’t cover-or just to create chaos and confusion (you pick). And as if that wasn’t enough, “the community”-meaning both developers who use. NET developers have struggled to keep up with all the new things Microsoft has thrown at them. NET Framework in 2000 and its first release in 2002.

Over the past decade or so, since the announcement of the Microsoft.

Volume 25 Number 05 The Working Programmer - Going NoSQL with MongoDB